Monday, November 17, 2008

Will I get sleep EVER?

We recently went to Utah to see Ryan's family. Mia did so well. She ate constantly starting around eight and ending around midnight. She slept until 5:oo am, then the next night until 6:00 am in the morning. But we get back to Idaho and she is terrible. Then I keep Jade up as long as I can so she will sleep in. So I am screwing up her sleep too. Will it ever end? On a brighter note I am wishing we could skip Christmas this year. Ryan and I have been talking and we are going to skip at least two Christmas's and travel somewhere. I wish it could be this year. If anyone has suggestions on where we should go give a shout out. Love to all!! xoxo


meg said...

Yes, you will sleep again. Kids sleep schedules has to be on of the hardest parts of parenting. We feel pretty lucky, for the most part, our kids are great sleepers. Someone I trust once recommended the book - Fix you child's sleep problems - or something like that. It would definately be worth the money for a little shut eye! Good luck!

And you could always come visit us - we promise to show you a good time!

Emma Jo said...

It's nice chatting with you! Your girls are simply darling. Sleep will come, eventually. Hang in there, they are adorable!