Jade is my babysitter starting around 6:00 am while I get ready for work. Yes she is quite young but very trust worthy. Yes Ryan is still in bed....
My North Pole Village. Jade and I are planning on moving there one day. Jade wants to live in Santa's house. She says she doesn't fit . She doesn't get the North Pole is not in our living room.
I LOVE your village! Jenny and I tried to start on this year, but I was voted down by a more budget conscious husband. (in his defense, I do go way overboard). But I haven't given up! One day I want a collection like yours!
I love my baby boy, but girls rule. Don't tell anyone!
I love your hair!!!If I didn't have a freakin frackin perm (blah) I'd have that cut right now. That was the plan until I went off and made a mess of myself! You look hot!
Nicole, your hair looks darling! I can't wait to see it in person. I hope work is going well - been thinking of you.
I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! IT IS SOOOO CUTE AND I LOVE THE COLOR!!!! and the village is sooooo beautiful!! :)
I say you look like a movie star and I get to see it in person this weekend. I insist on holding the baby, 1/2 of the time I am there. She needs to know her Aunt Verlinda.
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