Sunday, May 31, 2009

Where we are now...

Ryan and I have been married 10 years this August. It has been amazing. Even though we fight probably everyday and he tells me I am a pain in the A$# everyday, we love each other. We brought these two little girls into this world. What else can I say. It was the best thing we could do as a couple. Sometimes I feel like I was selfish in waiting to have kids. I wish my grandpa could have met them. My only console is that he met them before they came to us. We work everyday on making our family function as a whole. I won't lie, it takes work. In more ways than one. I ask Ryan all the time- Would you marry me all over again? I know what the answer is. He just laughs. There usually isn't a answer. I just asked him again just now, and he said he doesn't know. Many of you would think "oh man thats sad," but I think it's funny. I know for a fact we would get married all over again.
When I told my mom about Ryan for the first time I said, "I am going to date Ryan when I go back to school." My mom told me I was pretty confident of myself, she meant full of myself. I was confident we would. He was different from everyone else. I knew we would would live an interesting life. We are for sure.


meg said...

What a sweet post! I could picture Ryan just shaking his head and laughing.

Your girlies look so much a like! They will be such sweet sisters - a least most of the time.

See you soon!!

Unknown said...

Okay I love the girls.. And I know that Dad was with them alot just letting them know he will be close. And Grandma Pete is always there. Love your guys chris