Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We made it !!! 10 years!!!

This is the only picture I have of us on this joyous occasion. I am quite sad about it. Now you know us by now. We are very blunt and honest about our blissful marriage. I asked Ryan if he could say that we have been happily married for 10 years. He said and I quote. " Ahhh... I would say 9 and 1/2 years." To my shock and disbelief I said, "What 6 months were bad?" Ryan then said, "Just a couple days here and there that added up to 6 months." I love this man so much you have no idea. He has given me 2 adorable children and we have so much to be grateful for. I am even grateful for the couple of days here and there that added up that apparently weren't that great. I guess we have made up and we are doing something right.

1 comment:

Ruby Susan said...

Oh, Nicole, I love this picture and I love you! It was a great day for our family when you joined it.