Saturday, October 24, 2009

Birthday Girls!

The pinata broke before she got another turn. She took her frustration on it later, don't worry.

Cutie Pie Gracie and momma Annie.

Notice the crown I made him wear. Happy Camper!

Jack A Roo

This cake caused so much havoc in our marriage. I told Ryan I would never buy a nice cake again in our marriage. Wal-Mart cakes is what I am sticking to now. I promise it was not expensive. It was like buying a $25 dollar cake for each of the girls. Ryan wanted to know what happened to the ones that you bake at home. To all who are reading, please mention how beautiful the cake was.
His response will be ridiculous.
PS Ryan agreed to show our house at 2:40 today. The party was at 4:00. We set everything up in ten minutes.
Until next year.


mommy dearest said...

The birthday cake was awesome!! Tell Ryan to quit being so grumpy. You only turn 1 and 4 once. There are no do overs, so live it up!!! The party looked fun, I wish I could have been there. Give both of my princesses a big kiss.

mommy dearest said...

The cake is awesome! Tell Ryan to quit being so grumpy, you only turn 1 and 4 once. You never get to do overs, so live it up!!! The pictures are really cute. It looked like fun, I wish I could have been there.

Katie said...

The cake was extremely beautiful and completely worth it. When Chase starts complaining about stuff, I just tell him he is welcome to take the project over and do things his way. Needless to say, he lets me have my way ;)

meg said...

Love the cake! and the cute girls too. Did you tell Jade that it's her birthday and she could cry if she want to?

Happy birthday, girls!!

Audra said...

That is a fantastic cake!! (And I thought that even before you mentioned it. :p) Where did you get it at? I think it's gorgeous. Happy Birthday to those 2 cute girls!! I can't believe how fast they're growing up.

Keeping Up With a Teenager said...

o come on ryan the cake was amazing and what did happen to the home made cakes oh well!