Sunday, February 27, 2011

Great Grandparents

I am GRATEFUL that my girls met my grandma. I always have felt guilty waiting to have children because they didn't get a chance to meet Grandpa J. I still remember the night he died. I left the house and sat outside and cried because I felt my soon to be children wouldn't know him. He would have loved their company. Jade would have played his heart out with Uncle Wiggly. He would have loved Mia's free spirit. He was a great great man.
My memories of Grandma Pete are few but- very vivid. She was a strong, playful, and beautiful woman. I know she was playful because my mom and her were best friends. We wonder why Grandma Chris loves Santa. She got it from Grandma Pete. They go nuts at Christmas. I can only picture their conversations they would have with each other. I know it would pain some people but, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall. One memory I have of her is going to her house one summer afternoon. She was sitting in a lawn chair and her seat of the chair gave way. Her bum was almost touching the grass. I can only imagine the embarrassment. When asked why she didn't get the neighbor to help she said, "I didn't want to bother him." We were laughing with her not at her.
I remember her babysitting me and her letting me play with her jewelry. I thought she must have been a queen to have all the broaches. I remember starring at her crystal turtle in her window. The head bobbled and moved in the breeze. I also remember my dad telling my mom and me when she died. I never have seen my mom cry like that.
I asked Jade what her favorite memory of Grandma J is. She remembers Easter and the Easter Egg Hunt in her backyard. Grandma Chris brought some of Grandma Pete with her and wore bunny ears all day. They are always giving Grandma J. hugs and kisses. She always has a smile on her face when she sees them. I hope they remember that.


JJ said...

Ahhhhh...memories. Grandma Pete's bum falling through that lawn chair will be something I will never forget. I was there to. Do you remember?

meg said...

That was one of my favorite posts ever. I'm sad that it took me so long to read it! You are a lucky lady and so are your girls. Here's to great memories! (they keep you warm, don't they?)

Nic said...

I couldn't remember if it was Verlinda or Jenny that we went there with. I just remember everyone laughing. I remember looking into the backyard and thinking she was taking a nap. She probably was cause how long she was there.