Sunday, September 7, 2008

I think I have killed Jade

I had a dream last night that the baby came early. So I woke up in a panic. I am not ready at all. I haven't even started. I saw that there are bottles that are BPA free. Of coarse I need to buy those. Then I started think about Jades sippy cups and her bottles. I called by dad and he read all about BPA and what it does. I have killed Jade and if she get cancer or forms a extra brain I did it.


TD said...

All the kids had those same sippy cups. I did use different bottles. I would like the baby to come early. Hopefully the middle of October. We have five days off of school. See if you can arrange to have her then.

vk said...

When she grows up to be the most amazing girl in the world, THEN you can say, I did it! Which I have no doubts about.

Aunt Verlinda