Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just a Blah Update...

My parents computer crashed and they have had our computer at their house. This is the first time I have been on FOREVER. I love getting caught up on everyone's blogs. Tomorrow I will the 3D ultrasound we got. Our new baby is looking mighty fine. I look like I am about to pop. I am very depressed on how big I am. I do not have good child bearing genes. I am HUGE! I have decided to get a eating disorder after this thing is over. Now if you know me you will know I am just joking. I love food too much.
Ryan is in Seattle. Well first he and dad went to Denver for the game. Then he had to go to DQ meetings. We miss him terribly. Jade is having a hard time with the new baby coming and Ry being gone. Tonite she begged to spend the night at grandpa and grandma's. So this means no sleep for either one of us. She always gets scared and she says she sees shadows. I will have to post pictures of her bedroom. Ryan was kind enough to paint her new room. (I had to nag for 3 months) Till tomorrow!!


gina said...

Ohhhh I know exactly how you feel... Seeing how I turn into a whale while prego! I saw you a couple weeks ago and you still look hot.
Did Ryan tell you he saw me at the salon post perm? hehehe I knew it was bad when I saw his deer in the head lights look.
Keep up the posts... Since we never get together, I love to read about what you are up to.

TD said...

Get the pictures of the room up soon, and take a long nap today.

meg said...

Don't be so hard on yourself! You're pregnant - you're supposed to feel like a beached whale! I think we are supposed to feel aweful at the end so that we don't care how scary/painful labor is. Enjoy your time with Jade while it's still the two of you and good luck!

Keeping Up With a Teenager said...

hey this is a good idea we should do that some time!

love you