Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Introducing Mia Burke

This is Mia. She looks a little smouched. I went to the doctor today and told them I been having contractions everyday. Of coarse they said that is normal. Nothing is normal about being in pain. Feeling like you are going to throw up when it hits. There is nothing normal about child birth. For you women that want more than four kids- MORE POWER TO YOU!!


gina said...

Both times I was pregnant, I swore I'd never get pregnant again! But I know that our little family isn't complete yet.
By the way... I love the name you chose! We were going to name Emery Mia or Ella. Very cute!
Sorry about the cat post....

TD said...

Great pictures! I wish I had some of those of my kids.

Ruby Susan said...

She's BEAUTIFUL, Nicole! The picture reminds me of a Michaelangelo carving - so perfect.
I'm so excited for all of us.

Keeping Up With a Teenager said...

nicky this is so cool im so happy!i heard that the baby may come early!

love the willmots!