Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wondering when it will happen?

I wonder when I am going to yell at the top of my lungs TAP OUT! I wonder if it is going to be at a customer when they ask me, "Why do you need my zip code?" I would love to say, "I want to follow you home and watch you get ready for bed." I am not asking for their social security number. I would think its common sense that it is for marketing purposes. Or I wonder if I am going to yell it when I am just sitting at home trying to get something done and someone asks for chocolate milk one more time. Or I wonder if its going to be when I am trying to get ready in the morning and I look in the mirror. Wondering where my 20's went. Where did they go? Then I think could of, would've, should have. Let me just get through the next five minutes gracefully without screaming I TAP OUT!!

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