Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas's Past

When I first saw this I didn't get it. Ryan was so admit that we should wait to have a baby. He surprised me with this wrapped up for Christmas. Deep down he is a softy. I swore to him it would at least take 6 months to get pregnant. The next month we were expecting Mia. When I showed him the test his words were, "I told you this would happen. Why are you so fertile?" I didn't know getting pregnant twice meant I was a fertile mertile.
These were my favorite Christmas's when the kids were still "babies".

I still remember this day like it was yesterday. Braxton will always be her big brother.


meg said...

Such a funny story! And will saying that ryan is a softy ruin his street cred? I'm sure he doesn't want the word to get out!

TD said...

I still think that you need to have another one. You need to have a boy and experience what I go through.