Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Givin You the Down-Low on the Haps

I never said I was a great blogger. I need you to get caught up on the latest of our little family. This is Jade taking Mia for show and tell. It was great entertainment. I was laughing the whole time. Mia loved being the center of attention. She looks like she is giving attitude but in reality she was hammin it up. During show and tell all the kids have to ask questions about Mia.

Question: Do you love her?

Question: What do you play together?

Question: Why does she keep saying, "Hey"?

Jade had the best show and tell that day!

I have a new app on my phone that Chase told me I had to get. I am having great fun with it. This is at the Mini Bazaar. Great props.
Last but not least our poor Mia had to get her adenoids and tonsils out. She has suffered from not being able to breathe at night. She would wake up screaming because it would scare her she couldn't breathe. After surgery I could tell a difference right away. This has really changed our mood in the house. We are all sleeping better and that makes everyone HaPpIeR! And, I don't know if this has anything to do with it- but, Mia is starting to talk a whole lot more. I really think it has opened her airways and allowing her to voice her little munchkin voice. I love listen to her repeat everything we say. And I have to say she repeated her dad tonite with a naughty word. The Red Sox aren't doing to hot and she said the S word. Mia and Daddy got a scolding tonite.

1 comment:

meg said...

Poor Mia! I'm so glad that she's feeling better. But seriously, how can she be that old? Last time I saw her, she was a BABY. I'm not even sure she was even crawling! She's growing up and is adorable, just like her big sis.