Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lucky in Love

First Trip to the Zoo 2012
No, that is not their smile they are trying to roar like a lion. 

As we are still trying to adjust to this new normal of daddy not being here and a lot of firsts, I am starting to realize how lucky we are as a family.   When daddy is home it is quality time, all the time.  It is somewhat exhausting because we are always trying to figure out what to do next.  When Ryan leaves it is usually a two days of doing absoulty doing nothing.  

Easter was somewhat laid back because Ryan left that morning.  We were lucky again that he was home to witness the excitement of the Easter Bunny leaving a bike for Mia.  Jade came up to me that night and told me that she knew the Easter Bunny bought Mia's bike at Toys R Us, because she found the receipt. This girl will make a very diligent employee of the FBI one day.  I always call her my little spy.  She hears everything!  And I that she can spell now.  I can't even spell out my sentences anymore.  

Mia is a Mia.  This girl makes me laugh at least once a day.  I have a hard time getting mad at her because she busts out I LOVE YOU MOM when she knows she's going to get the wrath.  

I love my family and count my blessings everyday.   

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